Tuition Adjustment Program

Help us reach our goal!

Raised: $0
Goal: $50,000
Help us reach our goal!

Raised: $0
Goal: $50,000

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Your contribution keeps Waldorf education accessible to all those who value it.
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It is an ideal of the Mission of Portland Waldorf School that Waldorf education be accessible to all families who share our values, regardless of their economic status.

At PWS, we believe a Waldorf education is one of the most important investments we can make as a society to uplift humanity. Not only are we educating heads, hearts, and hands; we work alongside families to develop the spirit of each child, and that is the true value of a Waldorf education. PWS students grow into accomplished, thriving young people notable not only for their confidence, abilities, and passions, but for the profound human connections they form.

PWS partners with families to ensure a Waldorf education is accessible to those who value it. We believe the PWS Tuition Adjustment program enriches our whole community where everyone feels a sense of belonging.

Tuition adjustments are offered to 34% of our students and families. Please help PWS continue to grow and support our community.